In fact, all the above "roots" were the "products" of the ancient (primal) basis HOR-GON. As I told many times before, HOR/S represented the sun god and one of the first words that sprung from this basis was CIRCLE (Serb. KRUG); of course, according to the round-shaped form of the sun. The notion of CIRCULATION evolved from the previous word – CIRCLE (Serb. KRUG). From this moment on, we can completely track the farther development of the HOR-GON basis, as it seems, only in Slavic languages, especially in Serbian.
The next word that comes out from CIRCULATION (KRUŽENJE) is KRETANJE (motion, movement). We can clearly see here the velar to dental change in the middle syllable (krugenje => krećanje => kretanje). In addition, there is the Serbian word TRKATI/ TRČATI (run), TRČANJE (running), which seems to be a metathesis of KRETANJE (KRETANJE => TRKANJE running), with the same meaning as the Greek TREHO (τρέχω). As we can see, English RUN fits well into the given scheme, because it is a pair with the Serbian KRENI (imperative go!), of course, with the initial sound being elided.
The Serbian word TRK (run; Greek TREHO) was the source of other words, as English TRACK, Russian DOROGA (road) Serbian TRAG (trace) and English TRACE).
On the other side, KRUŽENJE (circulation), via TRAŽENJE (searching, looking) gave birth to the words as Serbian TRAŽENJE (searching, looking), TRG (market), Greek AGORAS αγοράς (market) and English TRADING (cf. Serbian verb TERATI drive).
The above-mentioned Serbian word TERANJE (driving, chasing) was derived from the older word GURANJE (pushing) via, today dialectal ĆERANJE (driving, chasing; ‘ć’ is equal to the Italian ‘c’ in ‘ciao’). As we can see, GURANJE also sprang from the basis HOR-GON. In fact, KRUŽENJE (circulation) and TRAŽENJE (searching, looking) are unimaginable without GURANJE (pushing).
After solving the problem with the history of the Serbian word TERANJE (driving) it becomes clear were the other Serbian words as DERANJE (abrade, tear), TRENJE (friction; Greek τριβή, Serb. TRVENJE), DIRANJE (touching) and UDARANJE (striking; Greek DERNO δέρνω beat) came from. The English TEAR was born from the same basis as Serbian TERATI (drive) and OTRGNUTI (tear).
There is the Serbian word VODO-DERINA (gully, rill-mark) that shows us from whence the river names Drina and Duruna came. Let us compare this DERINA (DRINA) with the Slavic names of populated places DARDA and TORDA. Darda was first mentioned in the end of 13th and beginning of 14th century as "Tarda". Ottoman traveling-writer Evlija Celebija in 1663 described Darda as an important market place. In fact, Tarda or Torda was nothing else but a place of TRADE. In addition, there are the Slavic personal name DARODAN (who is gifted) and the Serbian words for stamped (leveled, torn down) land TRATINA and UTRINA (Serb. UTRT
beaten). TRATINA or UTRINA (leveled land) always was the best place for trading. This TRADING on TRATINA was the reason why we have Serbian words TARA (tare weight; generally, an empty truck makes up about one-third of the total weight of the truck – Serb. TREĆINA), TRUDITI SE (effort, endevour) and syntagma “TRUD se isplati” (it is worth of effort), i.e. the value of our work is well visible on the market.